Understanding first aid is crucial for both you as an individual and your community. It enables you to provide temporary first aid to people hurt in an accident or other emergency until help arrives. Since first aid knowledge can be used at home, at work, or in public places, a community becomes safer the more people who are professional development courses certified there are.
The professional development courses at West Coast First Aid Training are a mix of online and offline lessons to boost the productivity of the learning. The course goes with practical training with experts in the field of medicine. Students learn from each other in the course and implement their knowledge in the theory class directly into their practical training. Learn all the medical conditions that may arrive at your work environment.
HLTAID011 one day teaches you the necessary skills you must possess to provide emergency first aid at your workplace. It provides first aid under the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) criteria. Students familiar with learning in a mixed-mode environment and have prior First Aid experience or are brand-new to First Aid should enroll in this course. In almost any circumstance, this unit will equip you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to perform CPR and first aid.
The complete knowledge and abilities required to deliver HLTAID009 cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are covered in this unit. This unit applies to everyone who might need to perform CPR in various settings, including the community and the workplace.
You will learn how to manage a drowning victim and develop the skills and confidence necessary to perform CPR on an adult, child, or infant. You will also learn about alternate techniques for giving rescue breaths.
You will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to handle casualties, the incident, and other first responders while providing first aid and life support until qualified emergency help arrives on the scene of the incident in this course. According to the recommendations of the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC), HLTAID011 Provide First Aid- Two Days is trained.
After finishing an online component on their schedule, it offers a one-day practical session in class. Based on your comfort level and flexibility, the online course session should last three to four hours. Additional testing takes place during a one-day in-class practical session.
HLTAID014– Provide Advanced First Aid is designed for those who need to develop advanced recognition and response abilities for life-threatening circumstances. This will help you manage a progressive medical condition or event until medical help arrives.
This course equips participants to recognize life-threatening emergencies and respond using basic life support techniques. Participants also learn advanced techniques, how to manage injuries and illnesses, and access resources beyond those typically needed by first responders.
The course is created to suit the needs of everyone working with children, including those in the childcare and early childhood education fields.
Common injuries
Anaphylaxis and asthma
Several high-risk conditions specific to children
A fascinating and participatory experience: quicker, more focused instruction improves your capacity to recall instruction in an emergency. Effective training delivery that doesn’t sacrifice the standard of the lessons. On the same day, get your certificate.
The course- HLTAID015 offers the abilities and information necessary to employ specialized tools for performing resuscitation. The Oxy-Viva 3 Resuscitator is used for online and offline training.
Making use of a suction apparatus
Gathering of victims’ vital signs
Methods for manipulating objects by hand
Using methods for verbal and visual examination
Upkeep of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
Equipment for therapy, resuscitation, and suction oxygen
Using equipment to deliver oxygen at the proper flow rates
Debriefing and analysis of the occurrence, as well as verbal and written incident reporting
Being ready to face any situation that may arise in your place of work or anywhere in your life makes you a valuable asset to it. Get trained by experts in the field of rescuing. For more information about professional development courses, feel free to contact us.